Did you know that in order to keep your website ranking as high as possible in Google and the other major search engines you need to post high quality content on a regular basis. The best and easiest way to accomplish that is by publishing blog articles each and every week. Do not be tempted to stop publishing content during the winter months or any other time of year when your business may be slow. For example, if you own or operate a landscaping business you may be under the false impression that you don’t need to publish blog articles during the winter months because your business is slow at that time of the year.

However, just the opposite is true. In fact, failing to publish content on a constant and consistent basis will undo all of the hard content marketing work that you’ve done the rest of the year. In essence, if you skip posting blog articles for a few months in the winter or at any other time of the year Google and the other major search engines will notice it. That means the Google algorithms will pick up on the fact that you’re not posting content. They will also act accordingly. That means the Google algorithms will start lowering your website’s ranking in the search results and will give a boost UP in the rankings to your competitors that are still blog writing.

We know that it can be tough to pay for content marketing efforts during the winter months when business is slow. However, it’s incredibly important to your overall marketing efforts. For example, if the landscaping business fails to publish blog articles during the winter in an effort to save a few bucks they will end up losing business in the spring, summer and fall seasons. Here’s why. Let’s say you skip posting blog articles in the winter. Your website will immediately start talking a hit. After a month or two it will no longer rank on the first page of the search engine results.

It may not even rank on the second or even third page of the search engine results. Do you know what that means? The bottom line is the vast majority of consumers only look at listings that appear on the first page of the search engine results. A few will extend their search and look at page two. However, very little will even bother going to page three of the search engine results.

So, if your business is not listed on page one of the search engine results chances are extremely high that nobody will find you. From that point it will takes months and months of publishing content to get back on the first page of the search engine results. At that point it will be too late and your business will suffer immensely.

Your Blog Today provides professional blog writing services for businesses, agencies, and individuals on a weekly and monthly basis. All of our written content is created by professional writers in order to appeal to both your target audience, and the major search engines. Our blog posts are fully optimized for the highest level of search engine visibility in order to drive significantly more traffic to your website. In addition, your blog posts will include a call to action message that grabs the attention of potential leads, and converts existing leads into customers.

Our team of marketing experts fully understands how to write for people, and the search engines without having you sound like a robotic selling machine. Please contact us today for more information or to get started. We look forward to working with you.