Did you know that a lot of people simply don’t read each and every line of a blog post? They simply scan the headings in order to decide if the article is worth their time to read it. That’s exactly why headings need to be utilized correctly. Google has already figured out this situation. That’s why they use text structure as a determining factor in their SEO algorithm. The bottom line is that titles provide text structure. It allows readers and Google to determine what the written content is about in the fastest way possible. Professional blog writers always include the keyword in the title of the blog article.

They also avoid taking the titles too far in regard to creativity. In essence, blog titles should be used to steer Google in the direction that you want. Professional blog writers pay careful attention to the readability of each article they write. They know that poorly written blogs are a turn off. By poorly written blogs we’re referring to poor grammar, rambling on and on, and text that confuses most people to name a few. For the most part, readers will not continue to read your blog articles as soon as they discover that they’re poorly written. That means they will quickly abandon it and go to the next article on the results page.

If your written content is confusing to your target audience for then it will negatively affect your placement on the Google search results page. This is due to the fact that Google factors in the amount of time that visitors spend on your website. They know that timeframe is based on the quality of your blog articles. Written content that is thought out thoroughly, and well written has a significantly higher chance of appearing high on the search page results. Professional blog writers are well aware of the fact that blog article readability is far more than spelling and overall grammar.

In essence, your blog articles must have a certain flow to them that utilizes transition works in order to break up those long sentences. In addition, paragraphs should be specific and to the point. A high level of readability goes hand in hand with writing blog posts for SEO. Speaking of shorter sentences, long sentences are not necessarily a bad thing even though shorter sentences are preferred. Yet, if you include only long sentences, chances are high that your blog article won’t read well.

If you have any questions about how to write blog posts for SEO or would like to take part in our blog writing services, please contact us today.

Your Blog Today provides professional blog writing services for businesses, agencies, and individuals on a weekly and monthly basis. Professional writers create all of our written content in order to appeal to both your target audience, and the major search engines. Our blog posts are fully optimized for the highest level of search engine visibility in order to drive significantly more traffic to your website.