Part 1 of 2

Most small business owners don’t fully understand how SEO works. However, learning how to write blog posts for SEO is a key aspect of marketing your organization. In essence, SEO, which is short for search engine optimization, is a bunch of key points that you provide to Google so that your written content actually appears in the search results. However, learning the exact key points can be incredibly difficult because Google keeps them a secret from the general public. It really takes an expert to write blog posts for SEO in an effective manner. The good news is that you don’t need to be overwhelmed with this. Simply hire an expert that knows exactly how to write blog posts for SEO related purposes.

It’s not nearly as expensive as you may be thinking. Here’s an interesting statistic for you to learn. The first page of Google receives approximately 95% of the traffic for any given search. Furthermore, only 5% of searchers go to page two. That means you need to appear on the first page of the Google search results in order to be seen. Taking it one step further, the vast majority of search results traffic only go to the top three results on the first page. That means you need to appear in the top three on the first page of Google in order to be truly seen. Unless you’re an expert blog post writer, chances are high that you won’t be able to achieve this.

So, what do the professionals do differently? First and foremost, we research keywords before we start writing. Choosing the proper keyword is the same as deciding what your article will focus on. This is different from researching the keywords. That’s based on discovering if your target audience is actually interested in reading your article. Professional blog writers know which keywords to use when writing your blogs. It’s also important not to overuse the keywords. Professional blog writers know that Google wants you to use your keywords sparingly.

In fact, professional blog writers know exactly how many times to include the keywords in the articles that they write. They also know to distribute the keywords in areas of the article that Google deems to be important. For example, your keywords should appear in the title, first paragraph, URL, meta description, and any images that you’re including with the written content.  A few keywords should be spread out throughout the blog article as well. The proper amount of time that your keyword appears will help move your blog up the ladder. It also presents your readers with a better experience.

…. To Be Continued

If you have any questions about how to write blog posts for SEO or would like to take part in our blog writing services, please contact us today.

Your Blog Today provides professional blog writing services for businesses, agencies, and individuals on a weekly and monthly basis. Professional writers create all of our written content in order to appeal to both your target audience, and the major search engines. Our blog posts are fully optimized for the highest level of search engine visibility in order to drive significantly more traffic to your website.