blog writing for seoIf you are reading this, it is clear that you want to increase your website’s visibility on Google search results, but you may be unsure how. At Your Blog Today, we specialize in helping businesses position themselves in front of their ideal target audience. So, sit back, grab a coffee and let us explore what blog writing is all about and how it can help up your search engine visibility!

Blogging as Your “Ace in the Hole” Strategy

SEO Success with Blog Writing isn’t just about sharing your thoughts or posting random company news. It isn’t a write-up on what your company has got for sale or your latest job. It is an amazing tool that transforms your online presence and helps you become a thought leader … THE place for industry-specific information seekers will go! Think of it as a way for you to show off what you know about your field of expertise which will be beneficial to your ideal client (the key here is that your ideal client will seek this information out). Fresh content is highly favored by Google; so make sure that yours is exactly that, with value added regularly. The more valuable and relevant your posts are on any topic you choose to write on, the better chances they have of being ranked higher on search engines.

But remember it’s NOT so much about rankings, as it is about positioning your blog posts to those people who are your target client, that’s where the REAL magic happens.

Keyword Magic

Let’s get into keywords in detail. These little wonders are indispensable for SEO achievements. By researching relevant key words and integrating them into your blogs intelligently, this indicates to search engines that this content is important and deserves their attention too. But remember, moderation is key! Avoiding keyword stuffing allows you to keep an authentic tone throughout your writing style as well as make sure that not only Google but also people reading will enjoy. Make your keywords longtail keyword phrases, not just words. Rember your target client? My target client will not just type “blogging” into a Google search, they will more than likely type in; “professional blog witting to boost seo in Connecticut” into a search. THEY are my ideal client, and if thy lang on my page or blog for that phrase then I KNOW they are ALREADY qualified to be my client, and I know exactly what they want!

Quality Content Matters

Simply creating an average blog post does not automatically meant success with search engines. Today, quality matters. In fact, Google’s algorithms can easily differentiate between fluff and real content. Publish well-researched, informative and engaging articles that your audience will find interesting. Your Blog Today has a team of professional writers with the ability to create valuable content while at the same time optimizing them for search engines.

Building Backlinks like a Pro

Ali Mac Marketing

Backlinks are more or less a vote of confidence from other websites. Linkage by reputable sites to your blog is an indication of trust bestowed upon you by search engines. So how do you earn these backlinks? Make shareable content, guest post on other blogs and be active in online communities within your niche. You will be amazed at how many people would link to awesome resources! For instance, if you are interested in an amazing marketing company to help take your business to the next level, check out our good friends at Ali Mac Marketing!

Posting Consistently

In blogging, consistency is king. It doesn’t matter if it’s once in a while; this won’t help you get a consistent visibility boost overtime. Updating your blog regularly through fresh and relevant content tells search engines that your site is alive. Be it weekly or bi-weekly, stick to posting with schedules so as not only maintain but also improve on rankings as time goes by.

Use of Images

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is important when writing blogs! Use images, infographics or videos that can greatly enhance the user experience and sustain attention from readers. Google likes varied content but remember to add alt tags and title tags to your images for search engine optimization, otherwise Google will not even see them.

Keep Up with the Times

SEO is not stagnant; what may have worked yesterday will probably not work as effectively today. It is important to be aware of the most recent developments as well as follow best practices in seo. Read trusted SEO blogs, attend webinars and regularly audit your website’s contents so that you remain at the forefront. At Your Blog Today, we take pride in staying updated about what’s happening in order to help our clients stay on top.

At Your Blog Today, we are passionate about helping you become successful within the blogosphere so you can concentrate on your strengths on running your business, while letting us write!

Visit so that together we can unlock more potential for your blog!