We need details! Tell us more about this service or page. Is there very specific information or content that you would like this page to contain? If so please let us know here.
If it's a service, what is the service? Tell us what "PROBLEM" your ideal client has and tell us what your SOLUTUION to that problem is.
Tell us about your process, experience, details on how you perform this service ... give us as much info as you can. Tell us what separates YOU apart from your competition.
What clients can expect when working with you, or hiring you for this service.
If this is a page about your company... how long have you been in business, experience, why you go into the field etc.
Commercial, residential etc... tell us who your absolute favorite client is for this service.
What keywords would your IDEAL client type into google to find this page or service WITHOUT knowing your company name? (don't worry we will fine tune this for you)