
Need to take a break or cancel your blog writing services?

No problem, we make it easy! If you would like to pause or cancel your services, we require that you request cancellation by at least 15th (prior to the start of the next month of blog writing) as we begin writing blog posts by no later than the 15th of each month for the following month. If you cancel after the 15th you will be charged for the following month. If you are on auto pay, please cancel or request cancellation before your payment is due to be debited. 

Here are all the ways you can cancel.

  1. If you have your subscription on auto pay with PayPal, you can log into your PayPal account and cancel the auto pay in your account.
  2. OR Email us and let us know that you would like to cancel, and WE can log in on our end and cancel it for you.

Email Or call 860-497-0204